POL Core

The POL Core is the heart of the project. This is the server that runs your UO shard.

Please see the Core Discussion forum for more information on the latest release (099) or development version (100).

Development version (POL 100)

Nightly binaries | Source

The development version is now mostly stable and, in fact, recommended. Nevertheless, remember to backup your data and read the core-changes.txt!

Latest release (POL 099.1)

Windows (.zip) | Source

For the Linux version of 099, please compile from source. Note that POL 099 is not updated anymore. For the latest features and bug fixes, use the development version.

POL Distro

A distro is a collection of scripts providing the base to run a normal UO Shard in POL. They are created and maintained by members of the POL community as well as the POL development team.

These script-bases are the best way to get a shard up and running fast, and provide a great start for building your own custom shard.

Official distro (POL 100)

Download (.zip) | Source

Distro in the classic 095-style (POL 099)

Download (.zip) | Source

Please consult the distro forum for instructions on how to use the distro.